Our blog post on Best Countries to Have a Baby In was so successful that we’ve made it bigger and better. We expanded it to 15 countries offering the most generous paid parental leave packages (and other goodies, like the famous Baby Box in Finland). So if you’re thinking about having a baby or just curious to learn which country gives the most lavish parental time off, then definitely read on.
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15. Belgium
Moms get 15 weeks of paid leave at 80% pay for first 30 days and 75% thereafter. Moms are also eligible to take 8 months part-time leave instead of the full-time 15 weeks. Dads get 10 days of paid leave; three of those days are at 100% pay and the remaining seven are at 82%.
14. Netherlands
Moms get 16 weeks of paid leave at 100%. And they’re entitled to nursing breaks upon returning to work for up to 9 months. Dads get five days of paid paternity leave.
13. Australia
Moms receive 18 weeks of paid maternity leave. Dads get two weeks of paid paternity leave.
12. Spain
Moms get 16 weeks of paid leave. Dads also get 16 weeks of paid leave.Moms are also entitled to paid nursing breaks during work for up to 9 months.
11. Iceland
Parents get a total 9 months of leave at 80% pay. Three months go to mom, three to dad, and three are split as desired.
10. Norway
Parents choose between 100% of their salary for 49 weeks or 80% for 59 weeks. Dads can use up to 14 weeks of this allowance. Moms can take nursing or pumping breaks after returning to work for as long as needed. Additionally, daycare is universal and 90% of costs are subsidized for children between the ages of 1-5.
9. Hungary
Moms receive 24 weeks of paid leave at 70% of their pay. Fathers get one week of leave paid in full. Parents can opt for an additional 156 days to split between them at 70% pay.
8. Canada
Moms get 15 weeks of paid leave. Parents receive an additional 35 weeks of paid leave to be split as desired.
7. Denmark
Moms get 18 weeks of leave and dads get 2 weeks of leave. Plus, they get an additional 32 weeks to split at 100% pay.
6. Serbia
Moms receive 52 weeks of paid leave at 100% of their salaries. Dads receive one week.
5. Finland
Moms receive 18 weeks. Dads get nine weeks. They get an additional 26 weeks to split, all at 70-90% pay. Every parent receives a Baby Box which includes everything they will need for the first year. This box also comes with a mattress inside to convert the box to a bed.
4. Bulgaria
Mothers get 410 days of leave with 90% pay. Fathers get 15 days with 90% pay.
3. Germany
Moms get six weeks of leave prior to birth to ensure they’re comfortable. Parents receive 14 months of leave to share at 65% pay. Moms can use up to 12 months of this allowance. Bonus: in many cases, daycare is completely free.
2. Sweden
Moms get 55 weeks of maternity leave! Dads get 90 days of paternity leave, which is one of the best in the world. Parents receive 80% of pay for the first 390 days.
1. Estonia
Moms receive 85 weeks of maternity leave with full pay! That’s nearly one and half years! Dads get two weeks of paid leave.
Keep exploring! Check out the 10 easiest countries to get residency.