How to protect yourself during an international move

GoodMigrations Whale


Its important to understand the basics before moving abroad for the first time. That is why I recently wrote a guest post on how to ensure a seamless international move. It was a huge success and you can read a snippet here:

“All movers are not created equally. The scams that plague domestic moving — damaged property, price gouging, delayed delivery — occur with international moves as well, where the stakes are much higher. While most moving companies provide consistently good service, the internet is littered with horror stories of people whose moves went poorly. Here are five things you need to do to protect yourself.

#1 Get quotes from at least three companies

Even if your friend had an amazing experience with a company, you should get quotes from at least 3 companies about 8-10 weeks prior to your planned move date.

Use GoodMigrations to get quotes from our trusted network of international movers.

Any reputable company will insist on sending a representative to your home to conduct an in-home survey. You should not be charged for this visit; if any company says there is a fee, take them off your list for consideration.

These in-home surveys are important for a couple reasons. First, the representative gets to see how much stuff you’re moving and will be able to give you a more accurate quote. Second, you’ll get an opportunity to meet them in person, which will give you an idea of what the company is like.”

You can check out the full version and read my tips on how to ensure a seamless international move over at FutureExpats, a site dedicated to helping soon-to-be expats prep for their move abroad. They’ve got career advice, tips on health care, and a number of expat resources worth checking out.

protect your international move

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