Funny Review of the Week

GoodMigrations Whale


It’s high time for the latest and greatest edition of our Funny Review of the Week series:
Funny mover Reviews

When initially reading this review a few things stuck out that made me think something was disingenuous about this review. First, the sister is submitting the review even though she wasn’t the person who hired the mover. That’s like asking a friend how her food was at a restaurant and then submitting a review for them (“My friend’s food was great. She recommends the linguine. Can’t speak for myself because I haven’t been.”). Does anyone really do this? We found it to be very strange. Do you agree?

Second, the brother allegedly organized the move while his girlfriend was on vacation. I don’t know any woman who would go on vacation and leave her boyfriend to pack up all her personal things, or put strangers in charger of packing up her personal things. (“John, I don’t really feel like moving so I’m just going to spend the week in the Caribbean. Be a doll and move my stuff for me, would you?”). Especially when the guy is known to be irresponsible. What do you think? Would you do something like this?

Third, the review cites hiring the movers as the “best decision ever.” Anytime I see those words in a review I cringe. Staying in school is the best decision ever. Saying no to drugs is the best decision ever. Not starting a land war in Asia is the best decision ever. Are you really that excited about hiring movers? I’ve hired both domestic and international movers before and while I’m very appreciative of their labor and a job well done, I generally don’t consider it eligible for my Top Ten Lifetime Decisions list.

Best of all, if the movers ever hit a rough patch in the moving business they can clearly moonlight as a relationship counselor.

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